Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Are you aware of The Hispanic Potential Buying Power of 1.7 Trillion dollars?

"At an Estimated population of 70 million by 2020”- Census , your advertisement Campaign should be in the Hispanic Market

There are a few things about the Hispanic market that you should know to make the right decision for your brand, and below are the 10 Top reasons why YOU must advertise your business in the Hispanic market:  
Ø A booming population is good for real estate business; with a population of 58 million in 2016, the Latino population in the United States has been the principal driver of United States demographic growth. They account for almost half of national population growth since 2000, comprising over 17% of the population.
Ø Status of the Hispanic Population; Hispanic people hold the title of the largest minority in the United States with only Mexico boasting a larger Hispanic population than the United States.
Ø Knowing the State to target is important; California as a state has the largest Hispanic population holding an estimated 15 million Hispanic, this is followed by Texas then we have Florida. These three states alone cover 55 percent of the Latino population.
Ø Just how many people are we talking about here; the following states are where more than an estimated 30% of the population is Hispanic: we have Arizona, 30.5%; California, 38.6%; New Mexico, 47.8%; and Texas, 38.6%.
Ø Know your customer preferences; according to Forbes, 56% of Spanish-speaking Hispanics specified that their loyalty is afforded more to companies that have Spanish advertisement, which emphasize the importance of brands to relate with Hispanics in their own language Spanish.
Ø The projections favor your business; by 2020 the Hispanic population is expected to reach 70million and by 2050 one in four Americans will be Hispanic.
Ø The consumption pattern; 79% of Hispanics speak Spanish in the home, and 70% watch TV, listen to the radio, read Spanish language newspapers and other media outdoors.
Ø Cultural background; Hispanics share a strong commitment to family, religion, and heritage
Ø Online content Interaction; 78% of Latinos who are English-dominant and 76% of bilingual Latinos use the internet, compared with 32% of Spanish-dominant Hispanic adults.
Ø Go Digital; Hispanic spend close to 10.5 hours on their smartphones that is two hours more per week than the overall average of 8.4 hours when using the Internet.
Contact Us: Patricia Lara Ladd Facebook Twitter 
Media And Marketing Consultant
Power Media and Associates
"You Have The Vision, We Add The Power"
1-661-212-0234 cell
1-800-901-5272 Toll-Free

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Hispanic Population growth has leveled off since The Great Recession

Hispanic Population growth has leveled off since The Great Recession

According to Pew Research Center, The Hispanic Population growth has leveled off since The Great Recession. Following a Hispanic population boom in the 1990s that was driven by immigration and high fertility rates, the Hispanic population’s annual growth rate peaked at 4.2% in 2001. It then started to decline as fertility rates fell and immigration slowed, a trend that accelerated during the Great Recession. While the foreign born accounted for 40% of Hispanic annual population growth in 2006, that share dropped to 34% by 2015. Fertility rates declined from a peak of 98.3 births per 1,000 Hispanic women in 2006 to 71.7 in 2015.
Source: Pew Research Center

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Solucion Legal TV Spot- Creativo de Patricia Lara Ladd

Patricia Lara Ladd | Influential Latinos move toward GOP

Influential Latinos move toward GOP by Patricia Lara Ladd

The Republican Party continues to be the engine attracting Hispanics in America. Historically, Hispanics have become Democrats because they don’t understand the difference between “Democratic” and “Democrat.”
Once they truly understand that difference, they find a greater affinity to be Republicans. The Republican Party and Hispanics share the same foundation and values: the deep appreciation of the family unit, the need and willingness to work hard, earn the rewards and know responsibility.
The Republican Party is plentiful with strong, not always famous, role models with many women emerging as empowering leaders; thus my personal story.
I came from Lima, Peru, and thanks to President Ronald Reagan, I was one of many immigrants given the opportunity to become a legal resident in the United States. I was able to work freely and become an example for others.
To reach my personal goal, I studied hard and was blessed to get a full college scholarship. While studying marketing and public relations at UCLA I worked at a company in Beverly Hills.
After graduation I became an intern in an advertising agency and was quickly offered a full-time, permanent position.
In 2001 I started Power Media Group and, despite the economic recession and no monetary backing, I put my skills to work in my home with a computer, fax machine, cell phone and a vision focused on the U.S. Hispanic consumer market.
That gave way in 2009 to found Power Woman Business Center, a business incubator to give advice to small entrepreneurs and teach them how to take their businesses to unlimited successes.
A further vision brought about Power Media and Associates in 2017. That business provided expanded services —for one, the commercialization of solar energy and construction. My husband and business partner, Ernesto, and I work as a team with the company in addition to educating the public about various state incentives, about which many may not otherwise be aware.
It is with a great degree of satisfaction knowing that working from the ground up has rewarded me with innumerable and meritorious recognitions and awards from organizations including Small Business Administration, NASA/Edwards Air Force Base, San Fernando Valley Business Journal and more.
I had the honor of participating on various business forum panels such as the White House Business Forum, The Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Woman Business Owners.
The complete list of experiences and all of the recognitions are too lengthy to cite here but I am so thankful and very appreciative for each and every one of them.
My spiritual beliefs are deep and I am more thankful than I can say, and I know all of this would have not been possible without the blessings of God in my life. Every day I am motivated by the words, “I can do everything in Christ that makes me happy.”
I am also motivated and happy about the upcoming elections. I hope to inspire Latinos to become educated about the matters that affect our country, register to vote and actually vote.
The number of Latinos eligible to vote is increasing, telling us the future will respond to the interests of the Hispanic community.
It is important to take into account the current situation of the Hispanic market as we approach November.
A 2016 Pew Research Center survey showed the Latino community strongly supported the Democrats’ proposals, yet the majority of Latinos registered to vote identified themselves as conservatives versus liberals. This indicates the confusion of “Democrat” and” “Democratic.”
The misinformation and diffusion by the media has created a negative anti-Republican concept, not a reality. The Latino community needs to be informed with real information.
Today’s bright focus on the separation of Hispanic families is a result of the Democrats’ agenda to create a damaged atmosphere for Republicans. It’s clear why the media is silent, unless it’s convenient to report, on Democrats often stating that under President Obama more deportations took place than under other presidents.
It’s a busy year for this Latina: I am a Republican with a very RED heart.
Patricia Lara Ladd is President of Power Media and Associates. She is a resident of the Santa Clarita Valley. “Right Here, Right Now” appears Saturdays and rotates among several local Republicans.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Instalacion del Sistema Solar en un Rancho

Instalacion del Sistema Solar en un Rancho por AMZ Construction & Solar Energy
Eres dueño de Rancho y ya no quieres pagar mas facturas de energia electrica? Esta es tu oportunidad...!!!Sabias que California esta dando la oportunidad que instales un Sistema Solar de hasta 10,000 Kilobatios? Dale mas valor a tu propiedad y recibe Reembolsos, Insentivo Solar, Hasta el 30% de Tax Credit y si fuera poco, Ahora todas las ciudades de Califonia te permiten que tu residencia se convierta en 100% Ecologica!!! Sabias que las compañias electricas te pagan por la energia que genera tu Sistema Solar? Compra tus Solares y recibe dinero por la energia que no consumes y comercializa tu propia energia solar. Gana dinero con la energia que no consumes.

Para una Consulta GRATIS, contactanos : Elmer Ernesto Coronado 20935 Vanowen St.Ste 206 Canoga Park, CA 91303 818.464.6839 Direct Line 844.468.0097 Office

Rancho Instalacion Paneles Solares

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Hispanics in USA - The Hispanic Population in USA

Hispanics in USA - The Hispanic Population in USA 
By Patricia Lara Ladd
Source: CNN News
Hispanic people are the largest minority in the United States. Only Mexico has a larger Hispanic population than the United States.
By 2060, the Census Bureau projects that Hispanic people will comprise over 28% of the total population with 119 million residing in the United States.
In 2016, Hispanics made up 11% of the electorate, up from 10% in 2012.

Census 2016 Estimates:

There are an estimated 55 million Hispanic people in the United States, comprising over 17% of the population.
California is the state with the largest Hispanic population -- an estimated 15 million, followed by Texas and Florida. All three of these states comprise more than half (55%) of the Hispanic population.
These are the states where more than an estimated 30% of the population is Hispanic: Arizona, 30.5%; California, 38.6%; New Mexico, 47.8%; and Texas, 38.6%.
There are more than one million Hispanic residents in nine US states - Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Texas.
Of the English-speaking Hispanics in the United States, a majority, an estimated 57.5%, are bilingual.
Second only to English, Spanish is the language most used in the United States, as of 2016. It is spoken by approximately 38 million Hispanic people in the country, plus an additional 2.6 million non-Hispanics.
Of the 55,199,107 Hispanic people in the United States, the following is a breakdown of how they define their race:
  • White: 36,294,406
  • Some other race: 14,457,853
  • Two or more races: 2,549,453
  • Black: 1,143,499
  • American Indian and Alaska Native: 513,491
  • Asian: 189,308
  • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander: 51,097

Contact Patricia Lara Ladd 800.901.5272 or email

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Exito Empresarial de la Mujer Hispana en USA

POWER MEDIA AND ASSOCIATES: Exito Empresarial de la Mujer Hispana en USA: Patricia Lara Ladd - Empresaria Latina Exitosa en USA, De La frontera de Mexico ha ser reconocida en La NASA Como Una Mujer Inmigrante...

EE.UU. necesita contratar 50.000 camioneros; el sueldo: 73.000 dólares de acuerdo a (CNNMoney)

EE.UU. necesita contratar 50.000 camioneros; el sueldo: 73.000 dólares de acuerdo a 


Estados Unidos necesita muchos más camioneros.

Habrá una escasez de cerca de 50.000 camioneros en Estados Unidos a finales de este año, según un nuevo informe de la American Trucking Association (ATA). Hace apenas dos años, la escasez era de 30.000 conductores y de 20.000 hace una década.
Las empresas estadounidenses necesitan conductores de camiones para transportar mercancías. No tener suficientes afecta las entregas diarias de todo tipo de artículos, desde elementos esenciales como comida y gasolina para supermercados y gasolineras, hasta las órdenes en línea que envía Amazon a los hogares.Es un trabajo que no se puede realizar en el extranjero y tiene el potencial de elevar el costo de los bienes y, en última instancia, afectar a la economía de Estados Unidos.
No es de extrañar que las empresas estén dispuestas a pagar por ello. Source : ( CNN Money News)
Asi es que si usted es Dueño operador y busca hacer una carrera en este pais y ganar mucho dinero, Contacte a Juan Peña (800) 927-8153 o Aplique en LINEA y trabaje de inmediato.

Friday, May 25, 2018

WORK NOW! Quick pay at no cost



Operate within the 11 Western States or just California

What we offer:
Quick pay at no cost
Fuel discounts Cards
Paid IRP Plates
Paid Liability insurance
Paid Cargo insurance
FREE secured parking
FREE BIT inspections
Electronic dispatching sent to your cell phone
Direct deposit to your bank
Year round work

- Truck with sleeper
- Class A license
- Good driving record

Please email back to us ASAP 

Call Juan Peña (800) 927-8153 or apply online:

Rutas en 11 Estados o solo California

Ardwin Freight

· Pago RAPIDO sin cargos extras
· Tarjetas para diésel con SUPER descuentos
· Proveemos las placas, permisos y aseguranzas de liability y cargo, sin hacerle descuentos extras.
· Estacionamiento GRATIS en: Burbank, Fontana, Bakersfield y Lancaster
· Programa GRATUITO de inspecciones
· Enviamos el despacho a su celular y confirmación de pago
· Depósito Directo a su banco

Tener su propio Truck con sleeper y licencia Clase A.




Exito Empresarial de la Mujer Hispana en USA

Patricia Lara Ladd - Empresaria Latina Exitosa en USA, De La frontera de Mexico ha ser reconocida en La NASA Como Una Mujer Inmigrante que Cruzo La Frontera de Mexico _ Tijuana Logro Tener exito empresarial en USA ?-
Patricia Lara Ladd, Fundadora de Power Media & Associates- Nacio en Lima Peru. A los 18 años cruzo la frontera de Tijuana para emigrar a los Estados Unidos.
Ella recuerda y dice: “ Cuando caminaba por las colinas oscuras y muerta de frio, veía las luces que brillaban del otro lado de la frontera y decía , ahí esta San Diego y pronto llegare con la ayuda de Dios Padre” Me propuse que algún dia conquistaría esas luces y utilizaría esa energia para iluminar mi éxito y el futuro de los demás.

Esto se convirtió en el motor y el deseo de Patricia de ayudar a su familia a salir adelante y estudiar para poder llegar a la universidad. Un año mas tarde comenzó a trabajar para el hotel Peninsula en Beverly Hills, quienes le dieron una beca completa para ir a La Universida ,UCLA, estudio Relaciones Publicas& marketing, se graduo , e hizo sus practicas en una agencia de publicidad, donde trabajo campañas publicitarias para El pollo Loco, y otros. De inmediato le ofrecieron un trabajo permanente de tiempo completo. En el 2001, Funda Power Media Group, en plena recesión económica desde la sala de su casa y con CERO DE INVERSION, una computadora, una fax machine y un teléfono celular y la visión enfocada en el mercado Hispano Consumidor de USA.
En el 2009, motivada por el deseo de ayudar a otros, funda Power Woman Business Center, una incubadora de negocios para dar asesoría a los pequeños empresarios y enseñarles a llevar sus negocios al éxito empresarial que tando desean.
El el 2017 funda Power Media and Associates y amplia sus servicios abarcando la comercialización de Energia solar y construcción , en unión con su Esposo y socio Ernesto, con la finalidad de ayudar a las familias Hispanas a beneficiarse de todos los incentivos estatales que muchos desconocen.

A lo largo de su exitosa carrera arecibido innumerables reconocimientos de instituciones gubernamentales y privadas por su contribución e integridad en la comunidad:

*Latin Business Association- Sol Award,
* Periodico La Opinion-Categoria Mujeres Destacadas en Los Negocios y Tecnologia,
*Small Business Aaministration –Minory Business Champion of The Year,
* Innumerables reconocimientos del Congreso, Senado y otros,
*LA Business Journal- Mujer Alcanzando Las Estrellas,
* NASA- Edward Air Force- Mujer en La historia/ Empresaria Latina de Éxito en USA,
* San Fernando Valley Business Journal- Agencia de Publicidad y Relaciones Publicas mas grande y Exitosa,
*National MAMAS Latinas Award- Categoria Mujer de negocios e impacto en La Comunidad,
*Peruvian Gold Tumi Award- Empresaria Peruana Exitosa en USA. *Senado De California- Mujer Empresaria del Año,
*SCV Latino Chamber of Commerce- CEO Award.

Empresaria, visionaria y motivadora, entrevistada en diferentes cadenas de televisión a nivel Nacional y regional, tales como:Telemundo, Univision, Unimas, y otros.
Tambien condujo su propio programa de Radio Y Television. La historia y Logros de Patricia, Han sido publicados en prestigiosas Publicaciones, Tales como: FORBES Magazine, CNBC, Latina Style, Air Force, entre otras. Su historia a inspirado Autores de Libros como “Profiles in Latino Courage – By Bill Miranda, and “Woman Who Inspire Woman” by Single Mother Outreach.
Ha sido invitada como Panelista a diferentes Business Forums: The White House Business Forum, LA Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Woman Business Owners, entre otros. Nada de esto hubise sido posible, sin la bendición de DIOS en su vida y es por eso que Patricia, le da la Honrra y Gloria a Cristo Jesus, su Salvador y redentor, por haberla llevado a la cumbre del éxito.

Su pasaje bíblico que la motiva dia a dia es “Todo lo Puedo en Cristo que me fotalece.”

Profiles in Latino Courage: How Everyday Latinos Achieve Success

Profiles in Latino Courage: How Everyday Latinos Achieve Success 

Be inspired, educated and motivated to succeed!and Buy a Copy of Bill Miranda's New Book!

Be inspired, educated and motivated to succeed! This book tells the story of 7 incredible individuals who overcame enormous challenges to succeed in business and in life. How did they do it? What are their secret and not so secret actions that took them from despair to happiness? Bill Miranda answers those questions and many more in these riveting, emotional stories of the courage it takes to succeed both in business and in life. Laugh, cry, love and be inspired as the book's heroes share their experiences with you. After you read this book you will have a road map to your own success and a motivation to actively seek it now.

No stranger to overcoming obstacles, Patricia Lara Ladd ( AK Patricia Gracia -as mentioned in this book)  is one of the other individuals featured in the book. As owner and founder of Hispanic advertising/public relations agency, Power Media and Associates , she and Bill have often collaborated in various community outreach events. “I look back on what I had to do in order to get where I am today in owning my own agency, and I think about how I had no other option other than to succeed,” states Patricia.

Bill Miranda Quotes: My book is published now. I think it will be very important to young Latinos as it is intended to inspire, educate and motivate them to succeed in business and in life. Please consider buying it, reading it and giving copies to young Latinos who you want to encourage toward success.
Gracias! Bill.

Poder de la Mujer Hispana Peruana Exitosa en USA

Patricia Lara Ladd - Empresaria Latina Exitosa en USA, De La frontera de Mexico ha ser reconocida en La NASA Como Una Mujer Inmigrante que Cruzo La Frontera de Mexico, Tijuana Logro Tener exito empresarial en USA ?-
Patricia Lara Ladd, Fundadora de Power Media & Associates- Nacio en Lima Peru. A los 18 años cruzo la frontera de Tijuana para emigrar a los Estados Unidos.
Ella recuerda y dice: “ Cuando caminaba por las colinas oscuras y muerta de frio, veía las luces que brillaban del otro lado de la frontera y decía , ahí esta San Diego y pronto llegare con la ayuda de Dios Padre” Me propuse que algún dia conquistaría esas luces y utilizaría esa energia para iluminar mi éxito y el futuro de los demás.

Esto se convirtió en el motor y el deseo de Patricia de ayudar a su familia a salir adelante y estudiar para poder llegar a la universidad. Un año mas tarde comenzó a trabajar para el hotel Peninsula en Beverly Hills, quienes le dieron una beca completa para ir a La Universida ,UCLA, estudio Relaciones Publicas& marketing, se graduo , e hizo sus practicas en una agencia de publicidad, donde trabajo campañas publicitarias para El pollo Loco, y otros. De inmediato le ofrecieron un trabajo permanente de tiempo completo. En el 2001, Funda Power Media Group, en plena recesión económica desde la sala de su casa y con CERO DE INVERSION, una computadora, una fax machine y un teléfono celular y la visión enfocada en el mercado Hispano Consumidor de USA.
En el 2009, motivada por el deseo de ayudar a otros, funda Power Woman Business Center, una incubadora de negocios para dar asesoría a los pequeños empresarios y enseñarles a llevar sus negocios al éxito empresarial que tando desean.
El el 2017 funda Power Media and Associates y amplia sus servicios abarcando la comercialización de Energia solar y construcción , en unión con su Esposo y socio Ernesto, con la finalidad de ayudar a las familias Hispanas a beneficiarse de todos los incentivos estatales que muchos desconocen.

A lo largo de su exitosa carrera arecibido innumerables reconocimientos de instituciones gubernamentales y privadas por su contribución e integridad en la comunidad:

*Latin Business Association- Sol Award,
* Periodico La Opinion-Categoria Mujeres Destacadas en Los Negocios y Tecnologia,
*Small Business Aaministration –Minory Business Champion of The Year,
* Innumerables reconocimientos del Congreso, Senado y otros,
*LA Business Journal- Mujer Alcanzando Las Estrellas,
* NASA- Edward Air Force- Mujer en La historia/ Empresaria Latina de Éxito en USA,
* San Fernando Valley Business Journal- Agencia de Publicidad y Relaciones Publicas mas grande y Exitosa,
*National MAMAS Latinas Award- Categoria Mujer de negocios e impacto en La Comunidad,
*Peruvian Gold Tumi Award- Empresaria Peruana Exitosa en USA. *Senado De California- Mujer Empresaria del Año,
*SCV Latino Chamber of Commerce- CEO Award.

Empresaria, visionaria y motivadora, entrevistada en diferentes cadenas de televisión a nivel Nacional y regional, tales como:Telemundo, Univision, Unimas, y otros.
Tambien condujo su propio programa de Radio Y Television. La historia y Logros de Patricia, Han sido publicados en prestigiosas Publicaciones, Tales como: FORBES Magazine, CNBC, Latina Style, Air Force, entre otras. Su historia a inspirado Autores de Libros como “Profiles in Latino Courage – By Bill Miranda, and “Woman Who Inspire Woman” by Single Mother Outreach.
Ha sido invitada como Panelista a diferentes Business Forums: The White House Business Forum, LA Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Woman Business Owners, entre otros. Nada de esto hubise sido posible, sin la bendición de DIOS en su vida y es por eso que Patricia, le da la Honrra y Gloria a Cristo Jesus, su Salvador y redentor, por haberla llevado a la cumbre del éxito.

Su pasaje bíblico que la motiva dia a dia es “Todo lo Puedo en Cristo que me fotalece.”

Thursday, May 24, 2018

NEWS! Truck Transportation subsector ( IMMEDIATE WORK! )

Industries in the Truck Transportation subsector provide over-the-road transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as trucks and tractor trailers. The subsector is subdivided into general freight trucking and specialized freight trucking. This distinction reflects differences in equipment used, type of load carried, scheduling, terminal, and other networking services. General freight transportation establishments handle a wide variety of general commodities, generally palletized, and transported in a container or van trailer. Specialized freight transportation is the transportation of cargo that, because of size, weight, shape, or other inherent characteristics require specialized equipment for transportation.
Source: American Industry Classification System

Operate within the 11 Western States or just California
What we offer:
Quick pay at no cost
Fuel discounts Cards
Paid IRP Plates
Paid Liability insurance
Paid Cargo insurance
FREE secured parking
FREE BIT inspections
Electronic dispatching sent to your cell phone
Direct deposit to your bank
Year round work

- Truck with sleeper
- Class A license
- Good driving record

Please email back to us ASAP

Call Juan Peña (800) 927-8153 or apply online:

¡TRABAJE DE INMEDIATO! Pago RAPIDO sin cargos extras

Rutas en 11 Estados o solo California
Ardwin Freight
· Pago RAPIDO sin cargos extras
· Tarjetas para diésel con SUPER descuentos
· Proveemos las placas, permisos y aseguranzas de liability y cargo, sin hacerle descuentos extras.
· Estacionamiento GRATIS en: Burbank, Fontana, Bakersfield y Lancaster
· Programa GRATUITO de inspecciones
· Enviamos el despacho a su celular y confirmación de pago
· Depósito Directo a su banco
Tener su propio Truck con sleeper y licencia Clase A.

Energía solar: ¿Estafa? ¿Qué debo saber antes de comprar paneles solares?

Energía solar: ¿Estafa? ¿Qué debo saber antes de comprar paneles solares?
La verdad sobre Energía solar: ¿Estafa? ¿Qué debo saber antes de comprar paneles solares? Aca va la diferencia.
* Se ahorra miles de dolares,
* Aumenta el Valor de su casa ( 100 & Ecologica)
* Recibe credito de las compañia electricas
* Recibe rembolsos del Estado de CA y del gov Federal, si hace mucho income (tax credit)
*Al comprar el sistema solar , podria calificar para que le reparemos sus puertas ventanas, insolacion, etc.
AL RENTAR: No recibe CREDITOS, ni del Estado, ni del IRS, ni de las compañias electricas. Quienes lo recibiran , sera la compañia que se los rento - Muchos dueños de casa desconocen esta realidad Y pierden muchos de los beneficios antes mencionados....Para mas informacion, Contactenos al 1.844.468.0293 Linea Gratuita


Hola amigos de FaceBook: Talvez esta pagina no sea solo para ustedes Y se que alguno de sus contactos, amigos y familiares se puede beneficiar siendo parte de nuestra comunidad. Hay muchas posiciones de TRABAJO INMEDIATO y Me gustaria invitarte a que le hagas LIKE a nuestra pagina de FB y que se lo hagan forward a quien pueda beneficiarse con estos trabajos , bien remunerados. COMPARTANLA Y AYUDEN A OTROS. Juan Peña
***** Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer trabajos estables y muy remunerados dentra de la industria de transporte....Los invito a que le hagan LIKE a nuestra pagina y lo compartan con sus amigos y familiares.

The industry of TRUCK DRIVERS is the #1 industry well paid

Probably many people has no idea , BUT the industry of TRUCK DRIVERS is the #1 industry well paid and has many job opportunities according to the LABOR DEPARTMENT.
So if you are a OWNER OPERATOR, contact us!!!! Call Juan Peña (800) 927-8153 or apply online:

  Direct Response- Hispanic Advertising- Media Buy  Attention Business Owners! Are you hungry for more traffic, engagement and customers in ...