In addition, those users accessing social network or blogs almost daily meanwhile nearly doubled, growing 90% to 28.1 million smartphone users. comScore data indicates social networking is one of the most popular mobile activities in the US.
European Smartphone Users Follow Similar SocNet Trend
Daily usage surged as well, with 17.9 million smartphone users accessing social sites on their device almost daily in Europe, climbing 94% from June 2010.
Facebook Reaches More than Half of US Smartphone Users
Meanwhile, Twitter reached 12.5% of the smartphone audience in the US and 7.4% of the European smartphone audience.
US Facebook Users Favor Homepage
In the US. the largest portion of users’ time spent within Facebook is on the individual’s homepage which features the newsfeed. In May 2011, 27% of engagement on occurred on the homepage and Newsfeed, followed by profile viewing (21%), photo viewing (17%) and usage of apps and tools (10%).
Prosper: 7 in 10 Mobile Users Check Status Updates
About seven in 10 (69%) US smartphone and tablet users check social network status updates on their mobile device, making it the most popular mobile social networking activity,according to September 2011 data from Prosper Mobile Insights. Viewing photos closely follows in popularity (66%).
Other mobile social networking activities performed by more than half of mobile users include updating status (53%) and sending emails (51%), while 49% post photos taken on their smartphone/tablet. Only 26.5% go to retailer pages to find deals while shopping, and 15% don’t access social media sites on their mobile device.
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