Friday, June 7, 2013

Education Matters: A Message From Chancellor Dr. Dianne Van Hook

Education Matters: A Message From Chancellor Dr. Dianne Van Hook..

Good Afternoon!

We need your help. You can make a big difference to our college in the coming weeks.
Here is how....

This summer is unlike any summer before. While we have had to turn students away in recent semesters, we have more classes available than ever this summer.
You can help by getting the word out to students, friends, and the community that COC is once again providing enhanced access to classes for students. Please let your contacts know about this opportunity. We know word-of-mouth travels fast in our community and your efforts can be highly effective in passing along the message.

Some specifics:
• There are two main sessions to choose from. Classes start on June 10th and June 24th. An additional “Summer 2.5” session will start on June 24th and will primarily focus on 5-week online offerings. That means there will be plenty of space for students!

• There will be a “Summer Rush” event where students can apply, speak to counselors, and get registered on Saturday, June 22nd. We are planning a lively event with great food and entertainment. More specific information will be forthcoming soon.

If they have taken classes at COC before, they can log on and register now. Click here to see the classes available:

If they have not taken classes at COC, they will need to complete an application. The application takes 24 to 48 hours to process, so to get started, click here: 

Remember, they do not need to take an assessment test if they already have a degree or are taking classes other than English or math.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Admissions and Records at ext. 661-362-3280.

Thank you for your help in sharing this information with the community.
Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook

Dr. Dianne Van Hook has served as Superintendent-President of College of the Canyons since 1988. Now as Chancellor, she was recently honored by the College Board of Trustees for her innovative idea of building a University Center on the college campus. The Dr. Dianne Van Hook University Center offers a wide variety of upper division courses in conjunction with 10 educational partners. The facility was named in her honor for her persistence and vision. She was convinced that the community would embrace the concept of offering courses leading to a bachelor's degree locally. The 1970 Long Beach City College graduate was inducted into the LBCC Alumni Hall of Fame in 1997. She has gone on to receive state and national recognition for her contributions to community college education.

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