Integration of social media platforms should be a priority for companies seeking to be smart marketers.
OK, no surprise there. But many companies remain behind the curve by simply just having a Facebook page — but it's inactive, or not fully leveraged for its enormous potential. Well, it's time to catch up, because the next wave of social media advancement is coming.
Here are some social-media marketing trends I expect to see during 2011:
Many web-savvy consumers have come to expect social media features on company sites. The public seeks interactive features such as blogs, Twitter feeds and discussion forums, and for many users these social media elements are their preferred venues for learning about a company and its products or services. A static website may not be enough to satisfy these people and almost certainly won't draw them back for a return visit. Give them a reason to come back to your site — add an interactive social media function.
Tablet computers, smart phones and other mobile devices will continue to become more powerful and less expensive, allowing people to be connected wherever they are. At home, at work or away on vacation in Europe, people will always be within reach of marketers' tweets or updates. They'll also be able to reach out to ask questions or make purchases, so consider ways to accommodate these desires. It's a two-way street.
Google is known for its tenacity
and ability to analyze data. Don't be surprised if Google continues to roll out novel approaches to social networks and how people — including marketers — can share information, all based on the insights provided by their algorithms and databases.
The new world of social media and marketing provides tremendous opportunities for companies large and small to form better connections with existing customers and attract new ones. Don't stand on the sidelines. Twitter, Facebook, blogs and forums all should play key roles in attracting and engaging customers!
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