Advertising-PR & Business Consultant Agency that specializes in creating all inclusive Spanish language campaigns. We specialize in generating immediate response and sustained sales for clients ranging from Startups to Fortune 500’s. PMA's principals and executive management have sold advertising and managed media sellers at broadcast TV, cable, radio, newspaper, on-line, social media and direct mail companies.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
NEWS!!!governor signed the 2011-2012 budget, which did not include the elimination, or reform, of the Enterprise Zone program.
Texting Top Smartphone Activity
June 30, 2011 |
Internet, Facebook Used Constantly by Close to 1 in 5 Smartphone Owners
There is a substantial drop in the percentage of smartphone users performing activities constantly after email, with 18% constantly browsing the internet and 17% constantly checking Facebook. The rate of constant Twitter use is less than one-third that of constant Facebook use (5%).
1 in 3 Smartphone Users Have Checked Bank Account
Once again, mobile Facebook proved far more popular than mobile Twitter. Twenty-seven percent of smartphone users have liked a company on Facebook, more than five times the 5% who have shared an article via Twitter.
Mobile Email Most Effective Purchase Trigger for Smartphone Users
Android users are the most likely to report making a mobile purchase after receiving some type of mobile promotional message (21%), followed by owners of Windows phones (19%), iPhones (17%), and Blackberries (10%).
PC Most Popular Way to Execute Triggered Purchase
Other Findings
- 15% of smartphone owners (6% of the overall online population) report having redeemed a mobile coupon, with women being more likely than men to utilize this capability (18% compared to 12%).
- 20% of smartphone owners have browsed competitor prices while in a store.
- 24% of smartphone owners (10% of the overall online population) report having scanned a QR code or similar barcode to obtain more information about a product, business, or event.
- Women 18-24 are actually the least likely to use their smartphones for calling; only 56% say they make calls at least several times per day.
- 89% of online US consumers 18 and up own a cell phone.
comScore: Mobile Social Networking Grows
The frequency of mobile social networking grew about 10% between the three-month period ended January 2011 and the three-month period ended April 2011, according to comScore MobiLens data. Twenty-eight percent of US mobile subscribers accessed a social networking site via mobile phone in April, compared to 25.3% in January.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
SBA Patriot Express Loans Top $633 Million
Patriot Express, a pilot loan product, with streamlined paperwork, and based on the agency’s SBA Express program, offers an enhanced guaranty and interest rate on loans to small businesses owned by veterans, reservists and their spouses.
“As Independence Day arrives it is only natural for us to reflect on America ’s veterans – men and women who have the leadership skills and experience to become successful entrepreneurs and small business owners,” said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. “The impact of this program the last four years has meant thousands of veterans and their families have had the resources to pursue their dreams as entrepreneurs, and at the same time create jobs and drive economic growth at a critical time for our country.”
Patriot Express was launched June 28, 2007, to expand upon the more than $1 billion in loans SBA guarantees annually for veteran-owned businesses across all its loan programs. SBA also offers counseling assistance and procurement support each year to more than 200,000 veterans, service-disabled veterans, reservists and members of the National Guard and their spouses.
Patriot Express loans are offered by SBA’s network of participating lenders nationwide and feature one of SBA’s fastest turnaround times for loan approvals. Patriot Express loans are available for up to $500,000.
The Patriot Express loan can be used for most business purposes, including start-up, expansion, equipment purchases, working capital, inventory or business-occupied real-estate purchases. Local SBA district offices can provide lists of Patriot Express lenders in their areas. Details on the initiative can be found at www.sba.gov/patriotexpress.
To learn more about additional opportunities for veterans available through the SBA, please visit the website at www.sba.gov/vets.
Préstamos Patriot Express Sobrepasan $633 Millones
WASHINGTON –En sólo cuatro años, la Iniciativa Piloto de Garantía de Préstamos Patriot Express de la Agencia Federal para el Desarrollo de la Pequeña Empresa ha proporcionado más de $633 millones en préstamos garantizados por la SBA a 7,650 veteranos para iniciar o ampliar sus pequeños negocios.
Patriot Express, un programa de crédito piloto con trámites simplificados y basado en el programa SBA Express, ofrece una mayor garantía y mejor tasa de interés en préstamos a pequeñas empresas propiedad de veteranos, reservistas y sus cónyuges.
"Al acercarnos a la fecha en la que celebramos el Día de la Independencia, es natural que reflexionemos acerca de los veteranos de los Estados Unidos - hombres y mujeres que tienen la capacidad de liderazgo y experiencia para convertirse en empresarios exitosos y dueños de pequeños negocios", dijo la Administradora de la SBA Karen Mills. "El impacto de este programa en los últimos cuatro años ha significado que miles de veteranos y sus familias han tenido los recursos para intentar realizar sus sueños como empresarios y al mismo tiempo crear empleos e impulsar el crecimiento económico en un momento crítico para nuestro país".
El Patriot Express se anunció inicialmente el 28 de junio 2007para agregarse a los más de mil millones en préstamos que la SBA garantiza al año a negocios propiedad de veteranos a través de todos sus programas de préstamo. La SBA también ofrece cada año servicios de asesoramiento y apoyo a la contratación a más de 200,000 veteranos, veteranos discapacitados durante su servicio activo, reservistas y miembros de la Guardia Nacional y sus cónyuges.
Los préstamos Patriot Express se ofrecen a través de la red de prestamistas participantes con la que la SBA cuenta en todo el país y tienen una de las respuestas de aprobación más rápidas. Los préstamos Patriot Express pueden ser de hasta $500,000.
Los préstamos Patriot Express se pueden utilizar para la mayoría de los propósitos de un negocio, incluidos la puesta en marcha, ampliación, compra de equipos, capital de trabajo, inventario o compra de bienes raíces que serán ocupados por el negocio. Las oficinas de distrito de la SBA pueden proporcionar listas de los prestamistas que participan en el programa Patriot Express su sus áreas respectivas. Para más detalles sobre el programa Patriot Express, visite www.sba.gov/patriotexpress.
Para obtener más información acerca de oportunidades adicionales para los veteranos disponibles a través de la SBA, visite el sitio web www.sba.gov/vets.
Patriot Express, un programa de crédito piloto con trámites simplificados y basado en el programa SBA Express, ofrece una mayor garantía y mejor tasa de interés en préstamos a pequeñas empresas propiedad de veteranos, reservistas y sus cónyuges.
"Al acercarnos a la fecha en la que celebramos el Día de la Independencia, es natural que reflexionemos acerca de los veteranos de los Estados Unidos - hombres y mujeres que tienen la capacidad de liderazgo y experiencia para convertirse en empresarios exitosos y dueños de pequeños negocios", dijo la Administradora de la SBA Karen Mills. "El impacto de este programa en los últimos cuatro años ha significado que miles de veteranos y sus familias han tenido los recursos para intentar realizar sus sueños como empresarios y al mismo tiempo crear empleos e impulsar el crecimiento económico en un momento crítico para nuestro país".
El Patriot Express se anunció inicialmente el 28 de junio 2007para agregarse a los más de mil millones en préstamos que la SBA garantiza al año a negocios propiedad de veteranos a través de todos sus programas de préstamo. La SBA también ofrece cada año servicios de asesoramiento y apoyo a la contratación a más de 200,000 veteranos, veteranos discapacitados durante su servicio activo, reservistas y miembros de la Guardia Nacional y sus cónyuges.
Los préstamos Patriot Express se ofrecen a través de la red de prestamistas participantes con la que la SBA cuenta en todo el país y tienen una de las respuestas de aprobación más rápidas. Los préstamos Patriot Express pueden ser de hasta $500,000.
Los préstamos Patriot Express se pueden utilizar para la mayoría de los propósitos de un negocio, incluidos la puesta en marcha, ampliación, compra de equipos, capital de trabajo, inventario o compra de bienes raíces que serán ocupados por el negocio. Las oficinas de distrito de la SBA pueden proporcionar listas de los prestamistas que participan en el programa Patriot Express su sus áreas respectivas. Para más detalles sobre el programa Patriot Express, visite www.sba.gov/patriotexpress.
Para obtener más información acerca de oportunidades adicionales para los veteranos disponibles a través de la SBA, visite el sitio web www.sba.gov/vets.
Latinos and Digital Technology, 2010
by Gretchen Livingston, Senior Researcher, Pew Hispanic Center
Latinos are less likely than whites to access the internet, have a home broadband connection or own a cell phone, according to survey findings from the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center. Latinos lag behind blacks in home broadband access but have similar rates of internet and cell phone use.
While about two-thirds of Latino (65%) and black (66%) adults went online in 2010, more than three-fourths (77%) of white adults did so. In terms of broadband use at home, there is a large gap between Latinos (45%) and whites (65%), and the rate among blacks (52%) is somewhat higher than that of Latinos. Fully 85% of whites owned a cell phone in 2010, compared with 76% of Latinos and 79% of blacks.
Hispanics, on average, have lower levels of education and earn less than whites. Controlling for these factors, the differences in internet use, home broadband access and cell phone use between Hispanics and whites disappear. In other words, Hispanics and whites who have similar socioeconomic characteristics have similar usage patterns for these technologies.
Survey questions also probed for the use of non-voice applications on cell phones. Respondents were asked specifically about whether they access the internet and whether they use email, texting or instant messaging from a cell phone. The findings reveal a mixed pattern of non-voice cell phone application use across ethnic and racial groups. Hispanics are less likely than whites to use any non-voice applications on a cell phone (58% vs. 64%), and they are also less likely than whites to send or receive text messages (55% vs. 61%). However, Hispanics and whites are equally likely to access the internet and send or receive email from a cell phone. And Hispanics are more likely than whites to engage in instant messaging (34% vs. 20%). Compared with blacks, Hispanics are less likely to access the internet (31% vs. 41%) or send or receive email (27% vs. 33%) from a cell phone, but rates of texting and instant messaging are similar for the two groups.
Though they are no more likely than whites to access the internet from a cell phone, Hispanics are more likely to do so in lieu of a home internet connection. Some 6% of Latinos report that they access the internet from a cell phone but have no internet access at home. This rate is the same for blacks, but notably higher than the rate for whites (1%). This ethnic difference in dependency upon a cell phone for internet use is partially, but not entirely, related to ethnic differences in educational attainment and income.
These results are based on two national surveys. The first, the Pew Hispanic Center’s 2010 National Survey of Latinos is a nationally representative bilingual telephone survey of 1,375 adults ages 18 and older. Interviews were conducted from August 17 through September 19, 2010. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. The second, Pew Internet and American Life Project’s August 2010 Health Tracking Survey is a national representative telephone survey of 3,001 adults, conducted from August 9 through September 13, 2010. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.
Source: http://pewhispanic.org
Latinos are less likely than whites to access the internet, have a home broadband connection or own a cell phone, according to survey findings from the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center. Latinos lag behind blacks in home broadband access but have similar rates of internet and cell phone use.
While about two-thirds of Latino (65%) and black (66%) adults went online in 2010, more than three-fourths (77%) of white adults did so. In terms of broadband use at home, there is a large gap between Latinos (45%) and whites (65%), and the rate among blacks (52%) is somewhat higher than that of Latinos. Fully 85% of whites owned a cell phone in 2010, compared with 76% of Latinos and 79% of blacks.
Hispanics, on average, have lower levels of education and earn less than whites. Controlling for these factors, the differences in internet use, home broadband access and cell phone use between Hispanics and whites disappear. In other words, Hispanics and whites who have similar socioeconomic characteristics have similar usage patterns for these technologies.
Survey questions also probed for the use of non-voice applications on cell phones. Respondents were asked specifically about whether they access the internet and whether they use email, texting or instant messaging from a cell phone. The findings reveal a mixed pattern of non-voice cell phone application use across ethnic and racial groups. Hispanics are less likely than whites to use any non-voice applications on a cell phone (58% vs. 64%), and they are also less likely than whites to send or receive text messages (55% vs. 61%). However, Hispanics and whites are equally likely to access the internet and send or receive email from a cell phone. And Hispanics are more likely than whites to engage in instant messaging (34% vs. 20%). Compared with blacks, Hispanics are less likely to access the internet (31% vs. 41%) or send or receive email (27% vs. 33%) from a cell phone, but rates of texting and instant messaging are similar for the two groups.
Though they are no more likely than whites to access the internet from a cell phone, Hispanics are more likely to do so in lieu of a home internet connection. Some 6% of Latinos report that they access the internet from a cell phone but have no internet access at home. This rate is the same for blacks, but notably higher than the rate for whites (1%). This ethnic difference in dependency upon a cell phone for internet use is partially, but not entirely, related to ethnic differences in educational attainment and income.
These results are based on two national surveys. The first, the Pew Hispanic Center’s 2010 National Survey of Latinos is a nationally representative bilingual telephone survey of 1,375 adults ages 18 and older. Interviews were conducted from August 17 through September 19, 2010. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. The second, Pew Internet and American Life Project’s August 2010 Health Tracking Survey is a national representative telephone survey of 3,001 adults, conducted from August 9 through September 13, 2010. The margin of error for the full sample is plus or minus 2.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.
Source: http://pewhispanic.org
Personal Recommendations Most Influence Women
June 29, 2011
Despite high rates of technology penetration among women in both developed and emerging global markets, recommendations from people they know are the most trusted source of information for women, according to a June 2011 study from The Nielsen Company. Data from “Women of Tomorrow” indicates 73% of women in developed countries and 82% of women in emerging countries trust this type of recommendation.Women in Emerging Markets Trust Paid Ads More
Following personal recommendations, women in both developed and emerging countries rank various types of paid advertising in roughly the same order in terms of trust, but women in emerging countries trust them at much higher rates. For example, branded websites are the second-most-trusted source of information in emerging countries (60%) and third-most-trusted in developed countries (32%), but the rate of trust is almost twice as high in the emerging world.Text Ads Least Trusted
Across the countries included in the study, the majority of women say they are most reticent to trust text ads on mobile phones (44% in developed countries 30% in emerging say they do not trust vs.), ads on social networks (38% developed and 23% emerging), and ads on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers (37% developed and 22% emerging). As would expected, response rates for this question are the inverse of the previous question, with much higher rates found among women in developed countries.TV, Word-of-Mouth Tops for New Products
When it comes to getting information about new products, television continues to be the most pervasive form of media and is the number one source that women rely on across continents. In 10 of 10 emerging markets and in seven of 11 developed markets analyzed, television outranked 14 other sources of information.Word-of-mouth was listed as either the second or third choice in nine of 10 emerging markets and in eight of 11 developed markets. Printed newspapers and magazines was another popular source of information for women in emerging markets, while the use of the Internet was more pervasive in developed markets.Social Ads Have Low Influence
Only 6% women in developed countries and 16% of women in emerging countries say they are highly influenced by web ads with social context shown on social media sites.Women in emerging countries are more highly influenced than women in developed countries. There is a fairly even distribution among the type of web ads that are most persuasive. Standard web ads that have a social context showing which friends liked or followed an advertised brand has the slight edge over web ads that appear as a newsfeed update or standard web ads.Indian, South Korean Women Most Influenced by Social Ads
In emerging countries, women in India are most highly influenced by all three types of web ads and women in South Africa and Russia are least persuaded. In developed countries, South Korean women are most influenced by social media advertising and women in Australia and Sweden are most impartial.TV, Cell Phone Penetration Near Universal
Among women in both developed and emerging countries, respective penetration of TV (95% and 98%) and cell phones (95% and 89%) is near universal. Women in developed countries have much higher rates of internet connection (90% compared to 46%) and smartphone ownership (37% compared to 18%).Women More Engaged in Online Purchase Categories
Online shopping is popular among both sexes in the US, with almost three-fourths of women (72%) and more than two-thirds of men (68%) having shopped online in the past 30 days during Q4 2010, according to previously released Nielsen data. Consumers of both sexes age 35 to 54 had the highest levels of online shopping activity (74%). Women led most online purchase categories except music (the genders tied with 11% engagement), auctions (men have 30% higher engagement, 13% to 10%) and computer hardware (men have 150% higher engagement, 10% to 4%).The online purchase category where women have the largest advantage in engagement is cosmetics (267% higher engagement, 11% to 3%).About the Data: The Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Survey was conducted between February and April 2011 and polled nearly 6,500 women in 21 countries throughout Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Africa and North America. The sample was fielded in developed countries using an online methodology. In emerging countries a mixed field methodology (MFM) approach of online, central location and/or door-to-door interviewing was used. The countries in the study represent 60% of the world’s population and 78% of GDP.In addition, results from the Nielsen Q1 2011 Global Online Survey were referenced and they are noted in the respective charts. The Q1 Global Online Survey was fielded March 23 - April 12, 2011.
June 29, 2011
Women in Emerging Markets Trust Paid Ads More
Following personal recommendations, women in both developed and emerging countries rank various types of paid advertising in roughly the same order in terms of trust, but women in emerging countries trust them at much higher rates. For example, branded websites are the second-most-trusted source of information in emerging countries (60%) and third-most-trusted in developed countries (32%), but the rate of trust is almost twice as high in the emerging world.
Text Ads Least Trusted
TV, Word-of-Mouth Tops for New Products
Word-of-mouth was listed as either the second or third choice in nine of 10 emerging markets and in eight of 11 developed markets. Printed newspapers and magazines was another popular source of information for women in emerging markets, while the use of the Internet was more pervasive in developed markets.
Social Ads Have Low Influence
Women in emerging countries are more highly influenced than women in developed countries. There is a fairly even distribution among the type of web ads that are most persuasive. Standard web ads that have a social context showing which friends liked or followed an advertised brand has the slight edge over web ads that appear as a newsfeed update or standard web ads.
Indian, South Korean Women Most Influenced by Social Ads
In emerging countries, women in India are most highly influenced by all three types of web ads and women in South Africa and Russia are least persuaded. In developed countries, South Korean women are most influenced by social media advertising and women in Australia and Sweden are most impartial.
TV, Cell Phone Penetration Near Universal
Women More Engaged in Online Purchase Categories
Online shopping is popular among both sexes in the US, with almost three-fourths of women (72%) and more than two-thirds of men (68%) having shopped online in the past 30 days during Q4 2010, according to previously released Nielsen data. Consumers of both sexes age 35 to 54 had the highest levels of online shopping activity (74%). Women led most online purchase categories except music (the genders tied with 11% engagement), auctions (men have 30% higher engagement, 13% to 10%) and computer hardware (men have 150% higher engagement, 10% to 4%).
The online purchase category where women have the largest advantage in engagement is cosmetics (267% higher engagement, 11% to 3%).
About the Data: The Nielsen Women of Tomorrow Survey was conducted between February and April 2011 and polled nearly 6,500 women in 21 countries throughout Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Africa and North America. The sample was fielded in developed countries using an online methodology. In emerging countries a mixed field methodology (MFM) approach of online, central location and/or door-to-door interviewing was used. The countries in the study represent 60% of the world’s population and 78% of GDP.
In addition, results from the Nielsen Q1 2011 Global Online Survey were referenced and they are noted in the respective charts. The Q1 Global Online Survey was fielded March 23 - April 12, 2011.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
7.7 Million Watch BET Awards | Survivor’s Probst Looks at Daytime Talk | Social TV Round-up
Published on June 28, 2011
- Global pay TV revenues will climb to $173 billion by 2016, an increase of $49 billion overall since 2006, but with a slowing rate of increase after 2010, with adding $18 billion, or 12% of the total growth , according to “The Digital TV World Revenue Forecasts,” from Digital TV Research. On-demand revenues will increase much faster than subscription revenues, though on-demand will only reach US$5.7 billion (or 3.3% of the total) by 2016.
- The BET Awards 2011 Sunday, June 26, drew 7.7 million total viewers, making it the top awards show in cable this year, and the second-most watched telecast in BET history, behind the 2009 ceremony honoring Michael Jackson, the network said. As well, producers counted 7.5 million tweets about the program throughout the weekend of June 26-27, and said that there was an average of 11,500 tweets per minute during the live telecast, peaking at nearly 21,000 tweets per minute at 11:05 p.m.
- Jeff Probst, host of reality show, Survivor, has signed a development deal with CBS Television Distribution to star in his own daytime talk show that would debut in fall 2012. CTD is shooting a pilot in the middle of next month that it plans to shop to stations. Probst will remain host, executive producer and mastermind on Survivor, reports Broadcasting & Cable.
- Wells Fargo Securities analyst Marci Ryvicker said that FCC’s prposed spectrum reclamation is a priority – but says that it won’t come quickly, reports Radio Business Report. Ryvicker said that the National Broadband Plan seeks to reclaim 500MHz of spectrum, with 120MHz coming from the television broadcasters via incentive auctions, but the route to share those proceeds with the public safety network on the D block spectrum, is not yet paved with legislation.
- LostRemote has a round-up of the happenings in social TV, and the arenas where social TV is quickly gaining traction. Starting with the April 2010 buyout of IntoNow TV-listening app by Yahoo for about $20-30 million, the article also discusses this month’s $32 million funding for music-listening app Shazam to start work on TV-commercial tagging.
Monday, June 27, 2011
What every small business ownes needs to know:
*Acces to Capital
*Business Plan
*Small Business Certifications
Available Info in Spanish!
" Recession Time, it is the time to find great business opportunities"
RSVP: Limited Admission
web site:www.powerwomanbc.com
Moderator: Bill Miranda-CEO SCV Latino Chamber of Commerce
Feature Speakers:
*Natalie Orta- Small Business Administration
*Oscar Dominguez-Union Bank
*Jose Vega-Small Business Development center
*Manuel Martinez- America's Small Business
*Patricia Gracia-Power Media Group & Power Woman Business Center
(2010 Minority Small Business Champion of The Year)
Proudly Supported:
Power Media Group
Power Woman Business Center
Union Bank
Our Valleys magazine
SCV Latino Chamber of Commerce
Lashem Sponsoring Miss Peru California 2011
Miss Peru California is a means of providing the Peruvian Community in California with ladies to represent Peru at a variety of business, social and cultural events!… Lashem Measurable Difference Lash Gel is one of the sponsors of the 2011 event. The follow girls are the contestants of the New Miss Peru-California…. Please check out their pictures:
Gracias Lashem!!!!!!!!
Source: Power Media Group Inc.
Source: Power Media Group Inc.
Economic Expectations Worsen
June 27, 2011 |
Outlook Dims from October
Americans’ economic outlook has dimmed considerably from October 2010, the last time Pew conducted this survey. In October, 35% said economic conditions will be better in a year and 16% said they will be worse. These figures represent a respective 17% decline in the percentage expecting improvement and 31% increase in the percentage expecting decline.
View of Current Situation Improves
View of Personal Finances Also Improves
Despite a souring mood about the general economy, Americans are more upbeat about their personal finances. Views on personal financial situation have generally remained flat since October, with the notable exception of whether they will improve in the next year (up about 10% from 51% to 56%).
Severe Financial Challenges More Common than in ‘09
In the new survey, 29% say that in the past year they have had trouble getting or paying for medical care, up 26% from 23% in February 2009, and 26% say they have had problems paying their rent or mortgage, up 30% from 20% in February 2009. Another 16% say they have been laid off or lost their job, which is actually an 11% improvement from 18% in February 2009.
Overall, 44% say they have encountered one or more of these financial problems over the past year, which is unchanged from last year but 19% higher than in February 2009 (37%). These problems are increasingly affecting the poor; fully 70% of those with family incomes below $30,000 have experienced one or more financial difficulty, up 19% from 59% last year.
Moreover, substantial numbers of working people continue to express job-related anxiety: 27% say it is very or somewhat likely they may have their health care benefits reduced or eliminated, while 26% say it as at least somewhat likely they may be asked to take a pay cut. More than half of those who work full- or part-time (55%) say it is likely they may face one or more job-related problems in the next year (a pay cut, benefits cut or losing their job) up 12% from 49% last year.
Consumer Reports: Troubles Stay Flat
The Consumer Reports Trouble Tracker Index was virtually unchanged at 48.6 in June 2011, from May’s 48.3. The Trouble Tracker Index is still down substantially from February’s recent high of 58.7. The financial difficulties that were on the rise in the past 30 days were led by negative changes to credit-card terms (increased rates, penalty fees), at 7.2%, which was up 14% from 6.3% in May. Moreover, there was a significant 59% increase in the number of those who reported a missed mortgage payment (2.7%), up from 1.7%.
Overall, the most prevalent consumer trouble remains the inability to afford medical bills or medications, unchanged since last month at 14%. Lower-income households, earning less than $50,000 a year, have been disproportionately affected. In the past 30 days, with 22.4% unable to afford medical bills or medications; 12.2% missed payment on a major bill (not a mortgage); and, 9.1% lost or reduced healthcare coverage.
The Consumer Reports Trouble Tracker Index focuses on both the proportion of consumers that have faced difficulties as well as the number of negative events they have encountered. The negative events include: the inability to pay medical bills or afford medication, missed mortgage payments, home foreclosure, interest-rate increase, penalty fees, reduced lines of credit or other changes in credit-card terms, job loss or layoffs, reduced health-care coverage or the denial of personal loans. The Consumer Reports Trouble Tracker Index is then calculated as the proportion of consumers that have experienced at least one of the negative events comprising the index multiplied by the average number of events encountered.
2 in 3 Users Say Twitter Influences Purchases
2 in 3 Users Say Twitter Influences Purchases
June 24, 2011 | inShare78 |
A combined two in three (66.1%) Twitter users say retailer feeds on the social network have influenced their decision to purchase products or buy from certain retailers, according to data collected by Compete in April and May 2011. Data from the spring 2011 Online Shopper Intelligence study indicates 28.6% of Twitter users consider retailer feeds influential, 25% consider them very influential and 12.5% consider them extremely influential.
1 in 3 Online Consumers Follow 5 or More Retailers/Products on Twitter
A combined 31% of online consumers follow five or more retailers and/or products on Twitter. Twelve percent of these follow six to 10 products, with 9% following five, 5% following 11-30, and 6% following more than 30.
1 in 10 Online Consumers Use Retailer Feeds
Among overall online consumers, use of retailer Twitter feeds remains low. Ten percent of online consumers reported following at least one retailer Twitter feed in spring 2011, down 10% from 11% in spring 2010.
6 in 10 Use Retailer Feeds for Sale Info
Of Twitter users who follow retailer feeds, about six in 10 (58.7%) do so to keep up to date on sales and promotions. This is far and away the most popular reason to follow a retailer’s Twitter feed. Learning more about a specific retailer comes in a distant second (32.9%), and is about 45% less popular with retail feed users overall.
Facebook Results Similar
The study also looked at how online consumers use retailer/product pages on Facebook, with some generally similar results. The study shows a combined 55.8% of online consumers rate Facebook pages influential (32.9%), very influential (16.7%) or extremely influential (6.2%) in making purchases from the retailer or consumer goods company behind the page.In addition, survey results show more than half (56.2%) of Facebook retailer/product page users say they visit the Facebook page of a retailer/consumer product company to keep up to date on sales and promotions. This is almost double the percentage who gives the second-most-popular answer, learning about a specific retailer (29%).
About the Data: Data was compiled from a survey of 3,269 online purchasers between in April 15 and May 5, 2011.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Top 10 Mobile Phone Websites - April 2011
Note: The Experian Hitwise data featured is based on US market share of visits as defined by the IAB, which is the percentage of online traffic to the domain or category, from the Experian Hitwise sample of 10 million US internet users. Experian Hitwise measures more than 1 million unique websites on a daily basis, including sub-domains of larger websites. Experian Hitwise categorizes websites into industries on the basis of subject matter and content, as well as market orientation and competitive context. The market share of visits percentage does not include traffic for all sub-domains of certain websites that could be reported on separately.
Source: http://www.marketingcharts.com/
More than Half of Online Consumers Rate Facebook Pages Influential
June 23, 2011 |
Sales/Promos Top Reason for Page Visit
Half of Consumers Like 5 or More Retailers/Products on Facebook
1 in 4 Online Consumers Visit Retailer/Product Page Monthly or More
ROI Research: Facebook Users Like Entertainment
Looking at the different kinds of companies/products Facebook users are fans of, an April 2011 study from ROI Research and Performics finds the highest percentage (46%) are fans of entertainment-related products. This category is followed by food (41%), restaurants (40%) and apparel (35%).
Service providers tend to be among the least popular categories, including categories such as educational institutions (22%), telecommunications (19%), and financial service companies (15%).
About the Data: Data was compiled from a survey of 3,269 online purchasers between in April 15 and May 5, 2011.
Revenue Lost by Catalog Sellers, Direct Sellers Over Undeliverables and Returns Recaptured by Fresh Financial Product, Developed by Tony Gracia, CFO, Power Media Group
"Dona Dollar," fresh Financial Product, Developed by Tony Gracia, CFO, Power Media Group, finally is in the market and many businesses would have a platform to avoid its annual losses in revenues," commented Gracia.
Annual losses are estimated in excess of $16 billion according to the University of Florida .
Tony Gracia, CEO and CFO of a rapidly growing advertising agency in Santa Clarita, Calif., was honored for his professional accomplishments in driving the eight-year-old firm's sales, marketing and financial operations. After ten years of working in the advertising and broadcast industry, he understands the need of a financial product that can help companies avoid losses in revenues. He introduces "Dona Dollar"- to avoid Revenue Lost by Catalog Sellers, Direct Sellers Over Undeliverables and Returns.
"The frustration that companies have resulting from misdirected and lost mailings translates into significant money on the bottom line - revenue loss that can finally be avoided with our payment system called, "Dona Dollar."
According to a recent study undertaken by PriceWaterhouse Coopers and the United States Postal Service (USPS), on average, approximately 23.6 percent of all mail is incorrectly addressed and requires correction of some kind. An additional 2.7 percent is completely undeliverable.
The USPS currently charges a minimum of $0.21 per mail piece for its address correction service. For a one-time mailing of 10,000 pieces, this could potentially add another $500 to the cost of mailing. Manual corrections more than triple this cost.
Bulk parcels returned as undeliverable cost nearly $2.00 per item. For items sent via delivery services like UPS and FedEx, the cost is $5.00 per item.
"It isn't difficult to see how these costs can add up in a very short time, diluting profit margins and potentially damaging customer relations," said Gracia.
Return fraud, or sometimes referred to as "refund fraud" or "refund theft," is one of the fastest-rising problems currently experienced by retailers.
Annual losses are estimated at well over $16 billion, according to recently released surveys conducted by the University of Florida (NRSS), National Retail Federation (NRF) and various other loss prevention organizations. "Dona Dollar," fresh Financial Product, Developed by Tony Gracia, CFO, Power Media Group, finally is in the market and many businesses would have a platform to avoid its annual losses in revenues," commented Gracia.
Return fraud, compounded with inventory shrinkage - estimated at $34 billion lost annually - results in an even greater dilemma for the retail industry to endure which exceeds $50 billion in lost revenue and profits each year.
A survey conducted by the National Retail Federation states that returns can account for 10.6 percent of sales. Depending on the store and its geographical region, the percentage could be much higher.
"In other words," asked Gracia, "will the income you receive on the retail margin from catalog sales, added to the delivery charge paid by each customer, outweigh the costs of providing the service? Do you take into consideration other factors that affect your average delivery business or your average delivery charge?"
Gracia details the factors that can - and should - be considered as part of company losses, if there isn't an immediate solution:
-- A portion of your time, or staff time, can be spent double-checking delivery rounding
-- A portion of IT costs, if you operate a computerized rounding system including peripheral costs such as printer cartridges, paper, labels and stamps
-- Those who operate a manual system can include the cost of replacement materials
-- Employment costs including recruitment costs when you need to advertise for new staff
Tony Gracia, CEO and CFO of a rapidly growing advertising agency in Santa Clarita, Calif., was honored for his professional accomplishments in driving the eight-year-old firm's sales, marketing and financial operations. After ten years of working in the advertising and broadcast industry, he understands the need of a financial product that can help companies avoid losses in revenues. He introduces "Dona Dollar"- to avoid Revenue Lost by Catalog Sellers, Direct Sellers Over Undeliverables and Returns.
"The frustration that companies have resulting from misdirected and lost mailings translates into significant money on the bottom line - revenue loss that can finally be avoided with our payment system called, "Dona Dollar."
According to a recent study undertaken by PriceWaterhouse Coopers and the United States Postal Service (USPS), on average, approximately 23.6 percent of all mail is incorrectly addressed and requires correction of some kind. An additional 2.7 percent is completely undeliverable.
The USPS currently charges a minimum of $0.21 per mail piece for its address correction service. For a one-time mailing of 10,000 pieces, this could potentially add another $500 to the cost of mailing. Manual corrections more than triple this cost.
Bulk parcels returned as undeliverable cost nearly $2.00 per item. For items sent via delivery services like UPS and FedEx, the cost is $5.00 per item.
"It isn't difficult to see how these costs can add up in a very short time, diluting profit margins and potentially damaging customer relations," said Gracia.
Return fraud, or sometimes referred to as "refund fraud" or "refund theft," is one of the fastest-rising problems currently experienced by retailers.
Annual losses are estimated at well over $16 billion, according to recently released surveys conducted by the University of Florida (NRSS), National Retail Federation (NRF) and various other loss prevention organizations. "Dona Dollar," fresh Financial Product, Developed by Tony Gracia, CFO, Power Media Group, finally is in the market and many businesses would have a platform to avoid its annual losses in revenues," commented Gracia.
Return fraud, compounded with inventory shrinkage - estimated at $34 billion lost annually - results in an even greater dilemma for the retail industry to endure which exceeds $50 billion in lost revenue and profits each year.
A survey conducted by the National Retail Federation states that returns can account for 10.6 percent of sales. Depending on the store and its geographical region, the percentage could be much higher.
"In other words," asked Gracia, "will the income you receive on the retail margin from catalog sales, added to the delivery charge paid by each customer, outweigh the costs of providing the service? Do you take into consideration other factors that affect your average delivery business or your average delivery charge?"
Gracia details the factors that can - and should - be considered as part of company losses, if there isn't an immediate solution:
-- A portion of your time, or staff time, can be spent double-checking delivery rounding
-- A portion of IT costs, if you operate a computerized rounding system including peripheral costs such as printer cartridges, paper, labels and stamps
-- Those who operate a manual system can include the cost of replacement materials
-- Employment costs including recruitment costs when you need to advertise for new staff
-- The cost of additional marketing materials when re-sending packages
-- Bad debts from customers who don't pay their CODs
-- Bad debts from customers who don't pay their CODs
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Disaster Survivors Urged to Beware of Recovery Scams
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration is urging disaster victims seeking federal aid to be alert to scam artists posing as federal officials and to be cautious about any solicitations for fees to perform services that are available from federal agency staff for free.
In the wake of widespread flooding, wildfires and tornados in many areas across the country over the past few months, the SBA is particularly concerned about flyers that have appeared in tornado-damaged areas asking for non-refundable fees of up to $450 to help disaster victims fill out their loan applications and as much as $1,000 to verify losses and file loan applications.
Federal agencies involved in disaster recovery will never ask for a fee or payment to file an application for financial assistance or to inspect damaged property.
“Historically, natural disasters bring out the very best in people, and there are countless stories of the selfless acts of helpful neighbors and volunteers,” said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. “Unfortunately, we have also seen in the past individuals who attempt to take advantage of people who need assistance. Disaster survivors should be vigilant in protecting their personal assets, particularly in the stressful environment of a disaster recovery.
“The SBA will not tolerate the defrauding of those who have already lost so much in the aftermath of these devastating disasters,” Mills said. “Those who are found taking advantage of disaster victims will be prosecuted to the fullest extent provided by law.”
If you suspect a person is posing as a local or federal agent, or encounter what you believe are fraudulent activities connected with disaster relief operations, contact your local law enforcement officials, phone the toll-free National Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721, or send an email to disaster@leo.gov. The phone line is staffed by a live operator 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
To register for federal help after a disaster declaration, visit www.DisasterAssistance.gov, or call FEMA at 800-621-3362 (800-426-7585 for the speech or hearing impaired).
Disaster survivors may also visit one of the local recovery centers to get help with filing for assistance. To get help with the disaster loan application, contact the SBA by email at disastercustomerservice@sba.gov, or by calling 800-659-2955 (800-877-8339 for those with speech or hearing disabilities). Those affected by recent disasters may also file a loan application online by visiting SBA’s secure website at https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/.
The SBA makes low-interest, taxpayer-backed disaster loans to homeowners, renters, businesses and non-profit organizations of all sizes. More information about the disaster assistance program is available at www.sba.gov/disasterassistance.
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