2 in 3 Users Say Twitter Influences Purchases
June 24, 2011 |
A combined two in three (66.1%) Twitter users say retailer feeds on the social network have influenced their decision to purchase products or buy from certain retailers, according to data collected by Compete in April and May 2011. Data from the spring 2011 Online Shopper Intelligence study indicates 28.6% of Twitter users consider retailer feeds influential, 25% consider them very influential and 12.5% consider them extremely influential.
1 in 3 Online Consumers Follow 5 or More Retailers/Products on Twitter
A combined 31% of online consumers follow five or more retailers and/or products on Twitter. Twelve percent of these follow six to 10 products, with 9% following five, 5% following 11-30, and 6% following more than 30.
1 in 10 Online Consumers Use Retailer Feeds
Among overall online consumers, use of retailer Twitter feeds remains low. Ten percent of online consumers reported following at least one retailer Twitter feed in spring 2011, down 10% from 11% in spring 2010.
6 in 10 Use Retailer Feeds for Sale Info
Of Twitter users who follow retailer feeds, about six in 10 (58.7%) do so to keep up to date on sales and promotions. This is far and away the most popular reason to follow a retailer’s Twitter feed. Learning more about a specific retailer comes in a distant second (32.9%), and is about 45% less popular with retail feed users overall.
Facebook Results Similar
The study also looked at how online consumers use retailer/product pages on Facebook, with some generally similar results. The study shows a combined 55.8% of online consumers rate Facebook pages influential (32.9%), very influential (16.7%) or extremely influential (6.2%) in making purchases from the retailer or consumer goods company behind the page.In addition, survey results show more than half (56.2%) of Facebook retailer/product page users say they visit the Facebook page of a retailer/consumer product company to keep up to date on sales and promotions. This is almost double the percentage who gives the second-most-popular answer, learning about a specific retailer (29%).
About the Data: Data was compiled from a survey of 3,269 online purchasers between in April 15 and May 5, 2011.
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