Tablet ownership does not affect any other activity as strongly. However, roughly four in10 tablet owners say their tablet does lessen their participation in several other activities. These are reading printed paper/books (44%), reading paper newspapers (42%), using a desktop/laptop (41%) and reading printed/paper magazines (40%).
TV, Cell Phones, Socializing Less Affected
Only one in four (25%) tablet owners say they watch less TV as a result of tablet ownership, while about the same percentage (23%) say they use a cell phone/smartphone less often. More physical activities such as playing sports (19%), going to the movies (17%) and socializing with friends/family (9%) are less affected.
7 in 10 Tablet Owners Use Gaming Apps
This makes gaming apps about 17% more popular than the next-most-used type of app, social networking (59%). Weather apps (58%) closely follow, with music apps (53%) also used by more than half of tablet owners in the past 30 days.
No other type of tablet exceeded 50% usage, but entertainment (48%), book (42%) and shopping/retail (40%) apps were also among the popular tablet app categories.
Increased Tablet App Dowloads Result in Lower Use
The more tablet apps consumers download, the less likely they are to use them regularly, according to Gfk MRI iPanel data previously released in September 2011. Among the iPanel respondents who own a tablet and have downloaded between one and nine apps on their device, 95% say they regularly use those apps.
In contrast, only 37% of owners who have 10 or more apps on their device regularly use this many apps, while only 16% who have 20 or more apps on their device regularly use this many.
About the Data: GfK MRI’s online iPanel is composed of more than 3,000 adult e-reader and tablet owners.
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