Suspicious Voting Behavior Prompts State Organization to Investigate...
Bakersfield - The California Republican National Hispanic Assembly, with 11 local chapters, and thousands of members, is committed to outreach and inclusion of Hispanic Americans. At their core, the organization promotes greater voter participation from the Hispanic community.
Last week the Kern County RNHA Chapter Chairman Javier Reyes, Jr. alerted RNHA’s state Chairman Errol Valladares of suspicious voting occurring in Bakersfield.
“We started noticing some weird votes coming out of Bakersfield. Notably they were coming from people that hadn’t voted in the 2012 presidential race,” Chairman Reyes said. “We thought it was curious because special elections tend to be very low turnout.”
The core mission of the RNHA is inclusion and increased voter participation in the Hispanic community so Chairman Valladares became concerned. Valladares asked his staff to conduct an investigation as to what was occurring.
“Hispanic voters take pride in voting. Many of them came from countries where voter fraud was very prevalent,” Valladares commented. “I want to make sure that this community is not being taken advantage of.”
The investigation found that there was a cluster of voters in Bakersfield that voted very early in the absentee process, but didn’t vote in the 2012 Presidential election, and were on the National Change of Address registry. The investigators walked door to door to find out if these votes were actually cast by the individuals listed on the Kern County Registrar of Voters list.
The results were astounding. The investigators visited 30 addresses and found only three different outcomes in all 30: a voter no longer lived at that address and did not live there during the voting period of time, the residence had been vacant for at least two months, or other residents said that had not voted yet and were outraged that someone fraudulently voted on their behalf.
Chairmen Reyes and Valladares are outraged.
“This type of fraud has to end. We will be submitting a formal complaint on Monday morning to the Kern County District Attorney, the Kern County Registrar of Voters, the California Secretary of State, and to the United States Postmaster General.”
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